
Summer Solstice Potluck

Join us in celebrating the radiant energy of summer together! With the sun shining above and lush greenery surrounding us, it's a time of magic and community.


Date: June 22

Location: Elwood Park

Time: 4pm


This is a potluck event, so please bring something to contribute—whether it's dinner food, sandwiches, desserts, snacks, or anything else you'd like to share. Cutlery & plates will be provided.


Don't forget to dress up in your best magical attire, as this will be a costume event! There will be games, a photo booth, music, and a personal ritual area.


All are welcome to join in the festivities!


Any questions email me @

Sacred Full Moon Yoga and Meditation

The full moon rises with its radiant light, casting shadows on the earth below. It brings with it a magical energy, that only this celestial event can bestow. As the orb grows round and bright in the sky, its energy flows and affects the tides. And just as it affects the ocean's might, the full moon can also alter our lives. With its powerful and mysterious pull, it stirs within us emotions untold. Our instincts are heightened, our desires full, as the full moon takes its toll. So when the night is bright with lunar glow, embrace its energy and let it flow. Use it to release and let it go, and allow its magic to overflow.  

Lori will lead the group through yoga, teachings and meditation

Lori will guide the group through a Hatha yoga session incorporating Moon Salutations, a practice renowned for harnessing the energy of the full moon. Moon Salutations offer an excellent means to alleviate stress and anxiety, harmonize the mind and body's energies, boost flexibility, and fortify major muscle groups. After the yoga session, Lori will lead a meditation aimed at facilitating the release of anything that no longer serves us and fostering gratitude for our blessings. By making room through letting go, we can embrace the beauty of gratitude as a practice.

Sliding rate of $20-35

Please arrive 5-10 minutes early as I will begin the group smudging...

Contact for availability (spots are limited)

2024 Full Moon Schedule:

January 25  @ 6-8pm

February 24 @ 3-5pm & 6-8pm

March 23 @ 6-8pm

March 26 @ 6-8pm

April 20 @ 6-8pm

April 23 @ 6-8pm

May 23 @ 6-8pm

June 20 @ 6-8pm

July 21 @ 6-8pm





***If attending please bring a yoga mat,  and a crystal if you would like. 

New Moon Yoga & Meditation

In the velvety embrace of twilight, the world hushed with anticipation as the heavens unveiled their celestial spectacle. Cloaked in an obsidian shroud, the new moon emerged from its hidden slumber, casting a bewitching spell upon the night sky. Bathed in a delicate luminescence, the celestial orb weaved a tapestry of enchantment, scattering stardust across the dark expanse. It whispered secrets to the universe, its presence awakening dormant dreams and dormant hopes, inspiring hearts to embrace the unknown. Like a mystical key, the new moon unlocked doorways to forgotten realms, inviting souls to embark on ethereal journeys of self-discovery. With each gentle phase, it promised renewal and rebirth, a cosmic dance where infinite possibilities unfurled. And as its silvery glow brushed against the Earth, a sense of wonder ignited, kindling the magic within every living being. In this celestial ballet, the new moon whispered promises of wonder, urging humanity to believe in the enchantment that lies within and embrace the mystical power of the unknown.

Lori will lead the group through yoga, teachings and meditation

Lori will be leading the group through an active restorative hatha yoga routine. It is a great yoga routine to do around a New Moon because one tends to have a lower energy & needs to slow down & rejuvenate. I find this very cool because this is also what the moon is doing too. We are mirroring the moon. The moon darkens her light to re-charge, and in doing so encourages us to mirror her by decreasing her outward expression. It is an opportunity to fill the space with new beginnings by setting intentions. Our concentration will revolve around turning attention towards the inner self, fostering introspection through the practice of forward folds. This approach will lay the groundwork for cultivating and sowing our intentions later, during the meditation.

Sliding Rate of $20-30

Please arrive 5-10 minutes early as I will begin the group smudging...

Contact for availability (spots are limited)

2024 New Moon Schedule

January 11 @ 6-7:30pm

February 8 @ 6-7:30pm

March 9 @ 3-4:30pm & 6-7:30pm

April 6 @ 6-7:30pm

April 9 @ 6-7:30

May 7 @ 6-7:30

June 6 @ 6-7:30

July 4 @ 6-7:30

August 4 @ 6-7:30





***If attending please bring a yoga mat,  and a crystal if you would like. 



Conscious Dance

Conscious dance is a form of free-form movement and expression that encourages individuals to dance without structured choreography or specific steps. It is often done in a group setting with music that ranges from rhythmic beats to calming melodies. Participants are encouraged to let go of inhibitions, move authentically, and connect with their inner selves.

Key features of Conscious dance include: Freedom of Expression, Nonverbal Communication, Connection to Music, Mind-Body Connection, Stress Relief, Community and Connection, Increased Energy and Vitality, & Emotional Release.

Lori will guide everyone through a grounding ritual, setting the stage for an hour and a half of moving our bodies in a way that feels right for each individual. The session will conclude with a short serene meditative period, followed by a safe circle where participants can share their experiences.

March 21 @ 6-8pm

April 30 @ 6-8pm

May 28 @ 6-8pm

June 25 @ 6-8pm

July 30 @ 6-8pm

***Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to ensure that we start on time

Sliding rate of $20-25

***Contact for availability (spots are limited)

Sisterhood Stroll

The Black Cauldron’s Sisterhood Stroll in Abbotsford is focused on building deep connections!
Creating a tight-knit community can be a powerful way to foster healing and growth. When we come together with others who share similar experiences, struggles, and aspirations, we can create a safe and supportive space where we can be vulnerable, honest, and authentic with one another.
Through weekly walks, rain or shine on either Wednesday or Thursday evenings at 7pm, we'll embark on a journey of connection and support. The exact location will be announced once you sign up.
email me at for more information and to sign up.
Let's create meaningful connections and friendships that last a lifetime!

May 22 @ 7pm

May 30 @ 7pm

June 5 @ 7pm

June 13 @ 7pm

June 27 @ 7pm

July 3 @ 7pm

July 11 @ 7pm

July 18 @ 7pm

July 25 @ 7pm

Aug 1 @ 7pm

Full Moon Morning Meditation Classes

Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and is known for its numerous benefits for mental and physical health. Meditation involves training the mind to focus on the present moment and to let go of distracting thoughts and emotions. It can be done in various forms, such as mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, or transcendental meditation. During meditation, one can sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable place and focus on their breath or a particular object. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, improve concentration and focus, increase feelings of well-being and happiness, and even lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. Regular practice of meditation can help individuals to cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm, and to develop a more positive outlook on life.

Lori will lead the group through a bit of full moon teachings, followed by a time of meditation.

Sliding rate of $10-20

Meditation Dates for 2024...

February 24 8:30-9:30am

March 23 8:30-9:30am

Contact for availability (spots are limited)

***Feel free to bring a yoga mat, pillows & blankets to get cozy with.